For questions about the Colorado Cashback TABOR refunds, call the hotline at 303-951-4996.



Searchable Database for State Contracts

In the 2007 legislative session the General Assembly passed,SB07-228, which requires the development of a publicly accessible and searchable database to track state contracts worth more than $100,000 (except for contracts related to: 1) Medicare, 2) Medicaid, 3) the Children's Basic Health Plan, 4) the Colorado Indigent Care Program, and 5) higher education research grants, awards and contracts). To access the State's Contract Management website, click,here.

Contracts with Treasury

The Department of the Treasury contracts for a variety of independent professional services., Examples include financial advisors, legal advisors, and underwriters for the issuance of General Tax Revenue Anticipation Notes (GTRAN), Education Tax Revenue Anticipation Notes (ETRAN), and state Certificates of Participation. Treasury also contracts for state banking and credit card services, and a variety of other professional services., Treasury has specific statutory authorization to contract for independent professional services.

For information about previous years contracts, call (303) 866-2441.

As part of the contracting process, the Department of Treasury solicits requests for participation (RFP) or requests for qualifications (RFQ) for specific projects. The Treasury Department distributes RFPs, RFQs broadly and makes a concerted effort to contact as many organizations as possible that might have an interest in participating in the bid process. Treasury posts notices of RFQs and RFPs on Treasury's website and the Department of Personnel's Procurement website.

Treasury has instituted a number of procedures in order to ensure that bid reviews are conducted fairly and professionally in order to provide the highest levels of service for Colorado's taxpayers.

As part of the review process, the Treasurer appoints a review panel with subject-matter expertise. All members of the review committees disclose conflicts prior to undertaking a review.

Review committees perform quantitative and qualitative analysis of each bid, which may include both written analysis and interviews. The committee ranks the top candidates for the particular bid, taking into consideration expertise, professionalism, years of experience, knowledge of Colorado law, and price in making their recommendation. All criteria for selection are clearly set forth in the RFP and RFQ documents. The committee presents its findings to the Treasurer and makes a recommendation for selection to the Treasurer. Committee findings and recommendations are blind, meaning that names of individuals, and firms are not disclosed to the Treasurer.

Treasury is firmly committed to having a bid process that provides the highest professional standards for Colorado's taxpayers and is transparent and accessible. Bids are available for review. Contracts with winning bidders are also available for review.

For further information about Treasury's contracting procedures, please contact:

Sandy Tan